TrafficWatch is a simple node.js app I wrote after trying to get Ian Harmon’s traffic time-lapse-helper project working in Python for 30min or so on MacOS, I gave up and wrote TrafficWatch in about an hour. There are some arguments that you can specify as well if you want look at something other than Chicago traffic:
- –name / -n Name for the GIF in the upper-left corner
- –url / -u URL String for that we will be time-lapsing
- –interval / -i The time interval (in minutes)
- –duration / -d The number of minutes to run
- –gifout / -g The output filename for the GIF
- –xoffset X Offset for the crop (0 means centered)
- –yoffset Y Offset for the crop (0 means centered)
- –font Font for the name and time display in the upper-left corner (default is Arial)
- –fontsize Size of the text (default is 32)
- –fontcolor Color of the text (default is #000000b0)
- –directory Path for the individual screencaps (default is screenshots)
- –gifdelay The ms delay timer for the GIF animation (default 500)
An example output would look something like this: